Sunday, October 29, 2006

G.W. Bush legalizes martial law?

I don't tend to get involved with political issues (particularly because mine wildly differ with most of my peers'), but this struck me oddly. A post on BoingBoing described how Bush declared a sort of martial law legal. (Martial law is the system of rules that takes effect [usually after a formal declaration] when a military authority takes control of the normal administration of justice [Wikipedia].)
For example: Under martial law, one can be arrested, sentenced, and jailed by a police officer. This has HUGE (or, dare I say it, HUEG) implications for protestors, or those who are generally politically motivated.

Visit the BoingBoing post for a synopsis of this Toward Freedom article.
Also, visit this Slashdot article for more technical info.

Giuliani better step the fuck up, or I am voting democrat.
But... Hillary?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The way chopsticks should be

Here is a cool swiss site (or is it german?) that shows alternative uses for common household items.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Houston rock venue & bar nears riot

A music venue and bar called "Walter's" was hosting three bands this past Friday night when Houston Police Dept Officer G.M. Rodriguez came in and began an angry quarrel -- and eventually a fight -- with band members over a sound complaint (at a rock venue? are you serious?). Of course this isn't the whole story. Check out the links below:

Articles (the first one summarizes the event well):
One. Two. Three (personal account).
Videos (YouTube):
One. Two.

This is utter bullshit. Make sure you send this to everyone you know to make them aware of the horrible powertrip some policemen have.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

McDonalds will infect you with a virus

... and this time its not from the food. McDonalds Japan has awarded 10,000 people with flash MP3 players (from a recent promotional contest) that came loaded with 10 free MP3s and QQWare, a malware virus that collects information about you on your computer (usernames, passwords, etc) and sends them off to a random hacker. (via BoingBoing) Link.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Watch out for that SARS! These are awesome, I think I found my Halloween costume... (from BoingBoing)

Monday, October 02, 2006

No more internet gambling in the U.S.?

The U.S. House of Representatives passed HR4411: Internet Gambling Prohibition and Enforcement Act (a.k.a. Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act [?]).
This whole thing really confuses me. Why would the U.S. Gov't need to pass an act banning something if it was already unlawful?

CNET News article
GovTrack full act text